Bajaur has a total area of 1,290 sq. kms with a population size of 1,093,684 which comprises of 51% (approx.) male and 49% female population. The area has seen a population growth of approximately 46% in the last 19 years
Bajaur district is situated near to Mohmand district, Charsadda, Mardan and Peshawar which makes its location ideal for trade within the country. People of Bajaur are not well educated but skilled in different fields such as agriculture, horticulture, technical work and industry. Labor in Bajaur is cheaper and is easily available to producers which affects the production cost to produce goods at low cost. In Bajaur there is no formal industrial sector. Minerals are also found in Bajaur. Huge reserves of Marble and Granite are found in Bajaur District, presenting opportunities for value addition in the sector.In Bajaur the production of plums is the highest of all fruits.