Haripur has a total area of 1725 sq.kms with a population size of 1,003,031 which comprises of 49% (approx.) male and 51% female population. The area has seen a population growth of approximately 45% in the last 19 years. Haripur District has a thriving agriculture and horticulture sector along with a well-established Industrial and mining setup. For Haripur to enter the league of advanced cities of South Asia, the focus should remain on polishing the current sectors, which can make this district a ‘Multifaceted Hub of Mining, Construction, Manufacturing and Agriculture’. Additionally, there is also potential to extract fruits of carbon credits from forestry sector.Tourism is another sector which offers opportunity to generate revenue for the district. There are few tourist spots in Haripur famous among the foreigners. Julian site was visited by 1499 visitors in 2016.
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