District Kohistan


Kohistan has a total area of 7492 sq.kms with a population size of 784,711 which comprises of 55(approx.) male and 45% female population. The area has seen a population growth of approximately 66% in the last 19 years. Kohistan (Upper and Lower Districts) have the highest hydroelectricity potential in the country, which makes this region an ideal place for “Hydro-electricity farming”.Hydroelectricity generation capacity for Kohistan is estimated to be 2,467MW.Additionally, the region has minor growth potential in the sectors of dairy and livestock,providing a case scenario where it canbecomeone of the principle “Dairy and Livestock Suppliers in CPEC” and forestry (second largest forest area of 216,699 hectares besides Mansehra), presenting an opportunity to earn“Carbon Credits”. There are about 1,698,480 farm animals presenting opportunity to set up state of the art veterinary research institute, meat processing facilities, cold storage and modern farm amenities.