District Swabi


Swabi has a total area of 1543 sq.kms with a population size of 1,624,616 which comprises of 50.2% (approx.) male and 49.8% female population. The area has seen a population growth of approximately 36% in the last 19 years.

District Swabi is one of the economically developed region of KP Province. The sectors on which the future development of district stands are Agriculture (cereal crops), Manufacturing (potentially leather, textiles,light and heavy engineering) and Mining (limestone, marble etc.). Additionally, the economy of this district can support a world class Knowledge City.

KPOGCL has identified hydrocarbon deposits in Nowshera block which consists of Mardan, Charsadda, Swabi and Buner districts presenting joint venture opportunity for national and international firms for exploration and production.