District Lakki Marwat


Lakki Marwat has a total area of 3164 sq.kms with a population size of 876,182 which comprises of 51% (approx.) male and 49% female population. The area has seen a population growth of approximately 44% in the last 19 years.

Lakki Marwat is one of the southern districts of KP. It was created as an administrative district on July 1, 1992, prior to which it was a tehsil of Bannu District. The uncultivated area reported in statistical bureau is more than the cultivated area. In cultivated area fallow land is 36296 hectares is more than the net sown that is 39010 hectares. This could be used for cultivation.Major crops produced are maize, rice, sugarcane and bajra. Besides this Lakki Marwat possesses reservoirs of minerals (laterite, limestone, shale clay, silica sand),live stock and Oil & Gas reserves at Lakki lock presenting investing opportunities for local and foreign investors.